Friday, 14 February 2025

Acrylic Manufacturing : Scoring knife

Scoring knife

With the scoring knife you can cleanly break your acrylic glass plates up to 3 mm in the scoring process. Both straight fractures and fractures along a curve template are possible. In contrast to sawing and milling, this results in fracture surfaces with low stress which do not have to be tempered. Therefore, this process is particularly suitable for construction sites and assembly sites such as trade fairs, exhibitions, shows, etc.. The blade is foldable - high work safety.

Your benefits at a glance:

⌧ Fast scoring breaking up to 3 mm
⌧ Straight and curved breaking edges possible
⌧ Low stress fracture surfaces
⌧ Especially suitable for mobile use
⌧ Ideal for construction sites, trade fairs etc.
⌧ Retractable blade for high safety at work

This article in application video:

Scoring knife for acrylic glass

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